
Strawberry Food Tea

[Effect] With plenty of vitamin C, it is good for cold and freckle prevention, fatigue recovery, and appetite promotion.

Tea Recipe

01. Ingredients

1 cup of roasted glutinous rice flour, 3 tablespoons of strawberry jam, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of oligosaccharide, slight amount of cactus powder • salt • olive oil

02. Recipe

1. Put a little powder of cactus powder into the roasted glutinous rice powder. Sift the flour and salt it.
2. Put strawberry jam, honey, and oligosaccharide to the sifted glutinous rice powder and knead thickly.
3. Stuff the dough to the greased plaster. Then, stamp patterns on them.

03. Others

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04. Source
